Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Puppy Love

Well yesterday G had a class party so no lunch was needed :(  So I had to keep the heart theme going today. 

So we have a doggie made out of "grilled" cheese heart sandwich, cheese ears, cheese eyes, pepperoni nose and mouth drawn with edible makers (I really need ones that write better on cheese and bread, any suggestions)

In the cups he has the leftover scraps of cheese, pepperoni. Heart carrots, heat strawberries.  Outside the case he has yogurt, an oreo in a heart bag and a juice.

Hope he loves it as much as I do :)


  1. Super cute! I found you via What's For Lunch Wednesday. I am a new follower. Check out Bento Blog Network. There is a weekly themed meme which starts on Fridays and takes submissions through Tuesday. Then voting will be enabled for people to pick their favorite, which will become the featured bento of the following week.

  2. Thanks. I will check out the Bento Blog Network


Thanks so much for the comment!

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