Friday, October 11, 2013

Fire at the bank so Batman firetruck to the rescue

So coming home from school yesterday G was full of talk about what to do when there is a fire.  So I said ok great I will make you a firetruck lunch tomorrow.. He then goes into this story of how it has to be a batman (his favorite) firetruck with a bad guy and batman has to put the fire out...

I told him that was kind of a bit much for me, but I would do my best.  Today was one of the first days I let him see his lunch before I packed it up (usually he has to wait until lunch time)

So we ended up with a bank on fire (the bad guy is inside) the Firetruck with batman driving (the small black dot)  Both of them are bread, the fire is cheese.  Then we have the bat signal with is cheese.  Carrots, turkey, and apple sauce.


  1. You did a wonderful job fitting in all of his requests in this cute lunch!


Thanks so much for the comment!

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