Monday, April 7, 2014

E week

The next two weeks G will be talking about E.  So just a simple E box to start it off.

Cheese and bread E's.  Turkey, carrots, and strawberries.

I have had people tell me that I don't feed G enough, but I assure you this really is enough for him.  I always have a juice and yogurt (and sometimes a "sweet" snack too)

another absent week Z week March 31 - April 4

I think I get into a slump every year, where I am still making G's lunches, but just not finding time to blog them.

Then you get these long post catchups.

Z week (bad picture too)  cheese, steak, crackers, zig zag cut carrots and some z strawberries

Z is for Zero - bread and cheese to do the math problem, salami, carrots and strawberries, some cookies hiding in there too.

Z is for Zipper... a shirt pizza, with cheese zipper.  Cookies, ans strawberries, salami and cheese roll ups, and carrots.

Z is for Zoo, a noodle cage, with bread and cheese elephants, cheese stick, salami and cheese scraps, carrots and strawberries. 

Pizza on Friday at school

Printique - awesome

 I had the opportunity to try a new Photo printing site. Printique.  They are part of the Adorama Pix family which I love..  It was super ea...